Tuesday, March 23, 2010

For Alex

During the big killer whale story recently, a friend posted his facebook status to this:

Take Notice: If a whale freaks out and kills me, I request, nay I DEMAND, that you spear that motherfucker to death in a slow and painful way. Eat a whaleburger in my honor so my death will not be in vain. I don't care how much you liked Free Willy as a kid, if a whale kills me I demand that you take a photgraph of you...r smiling visage standing triumphantly with one leg atop a mutilated whale corpse and that you feature this photographic marvel in a prominent place in your home for the rest of your life, hanging above a plaque that says "FOR ALEX". The plaque must be carved from whale bone.

I couldn't help myself, I liked his description too much. Have a grumpy day.